Ainun found out that her biological father, Abah Mulya, was actually a spiritual teacher who taught heresy and distanced himself from the Qibla. Can Ainun guide them to the right path again?
Is Thaghut on Netflix? Yes! The movie Thaghut is now on Netflix in the countries listed below.
Production | Agung Saputra | Producer |
Camera | Ujel Bausad | Director of Photography |
Sound | Aghi Narottama | Music |
Production | Nicki RV | Executive Producer |
Production | Lisbeth Simarmata | Executive Producer |
Directing | Bobby Prasetyo | Director |
Writing | Lele Laila | Writer |
Editing | Firdauzi Trizkiyanto | Editor |
Production | Nunu Datau | Producer |
Sound | Reyhan Malik Putranto | Sound Designer |
Sound | Ferry Setiawan | Sound Recordist |
Art | Edy Wibowo | Art Direction |
Production | Ipunk Purwono | Line Producer |
Production | Tulus Suryanto | Executive Producer |
Production | Eko Supriyanto | Co-Producer |
Production | Evi S | Executive Producer |
Production | Farell Diva Bramanta | Executive Producer |
Costume & Make-Up | Gunawan Saragih | Makeup & Hair |
Production | Ika Wulandari | Co-Producer |
Editing | Azka Amar Kusumah | Editor |
Production | Bhutet Erlina | Casting Director |
Costume & Make-Up | Gunawan Saragih | Costume Designer |
Writing | Gerald Mamahit | Creative Producer |
Sound | Mohamad Ikhsan Sungkar | Sound Designer |
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